With ever changing tax laws, our tax professionals have the experience to help you stay current with expert business tax services. Whether you are a startup and need advice on entity selection or you are seeking to exit and need advice about a potential transaction, we have experience in the complete life cycle of business.
In any case, we will take time to understand your business and work with you to identify the services you require.
- Income tax compliance for corporations (including S corporations) and partnerships
- Choice of accounting method
- Fixed asset analysis and property tax compliance
- Sales tax consulting
- Tax research
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Tax estimates and tax planning
For a more detailed description of what these services entail, please contact Robert Ainsworth.
The IRS has made the US taxation of international transactions a top priority. In recent years, they have increased the number of agents assigned to international tax. On top of that, there is a web of penalties that are assessed, merely for not filing the required forms. These substantial penalties are assessed, even if no income tax is otherwise due.
Whether you are a US company doing business outside the US (Outbound Investment) or a foreign investor with operations in the US (Inbound Investment), we can help you understand your international tax position and stay compliant with your US filings, including the following areas:
Controlled Foreign Corporations (CFC’s)
- Subpart F
- Export incentives
- Foreign partnerships
- Repatriation planning
- Foreign bank account reporting
- US branch tax regime
- Withholding tax
- Earnings stripping
- FIRPTA – Foreign investment in real property
To request a quote or for a more detailed description of what these services entail, please contact Robert Ainsworth.
Our Atlanta and UK practice has dedicated international human resource professionals who can provide significant value added services. In addition to the services previously mentioned, the outline below describes the typical services provided to an International Assignment Administration engagement. These services can be expanded or contracted to meet your company’s specific needs.
- Undertake a payroll process review of existing payroll practices to recommend revisions or additions to procedures to accurately record an international assignees pay delivery.
- Advise how to set up international payroll systems in various locations to ensure compliance with home and host country payroll accounting rules.
- Direct liaison with the company’s payroll department to review and advise on input into payroll systems to generate the output required and desired (for example, W-2 forms and other end compensation summaries).
The final or rather the first component of a successful International Assignment Administration Program is the transition and implementation phase. Transition and Implementation will vary based on program size and scope of services.
Our ability to implement a transition plan will be critical to the program’s overall success. We will work closely with you to develop a well-orchestrated transition and implementation plan as well as minimize any disruption to your current operations during this transition. This plan will carefully detail the processes, roles and responsibilities of those involved in the transition and implementation to ensure a clear understanding of the steps and timeline involved. It will also outline a strategy and approach for communicating the service changes to all those affected and involved.
We estimate that this work should begin two to four weeks before services for the assignees are initiated. The implementation timeframe can be adjusted (accelerated/decelerated) based on your company’s specific needs and requirements.
Richard Gimbert leads our international assignment administration solutions group and has had significant experience in helping companies address their needs in this area. In addition to the consulting assistance Richard has provided to various companies, he has significant on-the-ground experience especially through his former role as the outsourced international human resource manager for a large international telecommunications company which, he created expatriate assignment policies and procedures from scratch, identified program costs of $60 million and introduced significant cost reduction measures for a program of more than 200 assignees.
For more detailed information, to contact us or to book a meeting with us please click the button below.